In today’s digital age, the effects of social media on Gen Z have become profound, shaping the lives of those born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat keep Gen Z in a constant state of connectivity and exposure to the digital world. However, the widespread use of social media negatively impacts their mental health.

A 2022 survey by Morning Consult showed that many Gen Z members spend a lot of time on social media. Specifically, 54% said they spend at least four hours a day on it, and 38% spend even more time. This heavy use of social media affects their mental health and how they interact with others.

Social Media’s Effects on Generation Z

Social media’s power is in its capacity to instantly link individuals all over the world. However, there are other adverse effects on Gen Z’s mental health that are hidden beneath the surface. The development of inflated ideals of prosperity and beauty is one notable effect, which is sustained by the well chosen photos and lifestyles that are displayed on social media sites such as Instagram.

Generation Z individuals frequently experience low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy as a result of constantly comparing themselves to these unachievable standards.

Moreover, the phenomenon of “FOMO” (Fear of Missing Out) fueled by platforms like Snapchat and Twitter intensifies feelings of anxiety and loneliness. Constantly bombarded with highlights of their peers’ lives, Gen Z often experiences a heightened sense of pressure to participate in every social event, ultimately leading to burnout and emotional exhaustion.

Gen Z Mental Health & Social Media

It is evident that social media and Gen Z’s mental health are mutually beneficial. Excessive social media use has been directly linked in studies to a number of mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and even suicide thoughts. An individual’s psychological health suffers as a result of the harmful loop that is created by being constantly exposed to well chosen content and the constant need for approval from likes and comments.

Additionally, the lack of privacy provided by websites like Reddit and Twitter creates an inviting environment for cyberbullying, with Gen Z users being especially susceptible to online harassment. Their mental health may be severely and permanently impacted by the ongoing barrage of hurtful remarks and cyberattacks, which frequently result in feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

Facebook Anxiety and Depression

Facebook was originally hailed as the epicentre of social networking, but for many members of Generation Z, it has now come to be associated with worry and sadness. The algorithmic nature of the network, which places an emphasis on remarkable content and engagement, frequently results in a torrent of disturbing postings and articles on users’ news feeds. Furthermore, Generation Z individuals experience social anxiety and feelings of inadequacy from the need to maintain a polished online persona on Facebook.

Furthermore, “Facebook envy” is a growing problem where users feel jealous and resentful of their friends’ apparently flawless lifestyles that are displayed on the social media site. Gen Z users experience increased emotions of despair and loneliness as a result of their ongoing exposure to unattainable ideals of success and happiness.

Effects of Spending Too Much Time on Social Media

The proverb “everything in moderation” is particularly applicable to Gen Z’s use of social media. Overusing social media has a negative impact on one’s mental health in addition to taking away from real-life experiences. Long-term screen use can interfere with sleep cycles, aggravate anxiety and depressive symptoms, and impair children’s cognitive development, according to research.

The problem is further made worse by social media’s addictive qualities, which include never-ending scrolling and dopamine-driven feedback loops. Gen Z users find it more difficult to break free from the never-ending cycle of dependency that these platforms produce due to their constant need for approval and rapid contentment.

Positive Effects of Social Media on Gen Z:

  1. Connectivity: Social media enables Gen Z to stay connected with friends and family, regardless of geographical barriers. It fosters a sense of community and allows them to maintain relationships, even in the absence of physical proximity.
  2. Access to Information: Social media serves as a vast store house of information, providing Gen Z with easy access to news, educational content, and diverse perspectives. Platforms like YouTube and Twitter offer opportunities for learning and staying informed about current events and global issues.
  3. Creative Expression: Social media platforms offer Gen Z a platform to showcase their creativity and talents. From sharing artwork on Instagram to creating music videos on TikTok, social media allows them to express themselves and cultivate their passions.
  4. Networking Opportunities: Social media facilitates networking and career opportunities for Gen Z. Platforms like LinkedIn enable them to connect with professionals in their field of interest, seek mentorship, and explore internship or job opportunities.
  5. Supportive Communities: Social media provides Gen Z with a space to find support and solidarity. Whether it’s joining online forums for mental health awareness or participating in promoting campaigns, social media connects them with like-minded individuals and support networks.

Negative Effects of Social Media on Gen Z:

  1. Comparison and Low Self-Esteem: Social media often leads to unhealthy comparison and unrealistic standards, contributing to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem among Gen Z. Constant exposure to curated images and lifestyles can make them feel like they’re not good enough.
  2. Cyberbullying: Gen Z is particularly vulnerable to cyberbullying, with social media platforms providing anonymity and a platform for harassment. Cyberbullying can have devastating effects on their mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts.
  3. Addiction and Distraction: Social media’s addictive nature can lead to excessive screen time and distractions from real-life activities. Gen Z may find it difficult to disconnect from social media, leading to poor sleep patterns, decreased productivity, and social withdrawal.
  4. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Social media amplifies the fear of missing out on social events and experiences, leading Gen Z to constantly compare their lives to others and feel pressured to participate in everything. This fear of missing out can contribute to anxiety and stress.
  5. Privacy Concerns and Online Safety: Gen Z’s reliance on social media exposes them to privacy risks and online safety concerns. From data breaches to online predators, social media platforms give rise to significant risks to their personal information and security.


Social media can be really hard to put down because it’s designed to keep us hooked. For Gen Z, it’s like a never-ending rollercoaster ride of scrolling and getting little bursts of happiness from likes and comments. But these constant ups and downs make it tough to step away. Gen Z folks feel like they always need to be plugged in, seeking approval and quick satisfaction, which makes it even harder to break free from the cycle.

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